Support Independent Social Documentary Photojournalism

Please Donate. Your Contribution Enables Me to Continue Using Photography for Social Justice.

Dear Comrades,

I am asking for your financial support so I can continue my work as a social documentary photojournalist. My passion for photography has led me to capture the stories and struggles of marginalized communities around the world. I am deeply committed to shining a light on the issues that are often ignored by mainstream media and to using my photography to effect positive change in the world.

As an independent photojournalist, I am faced with significant financial challenges. The cost of travel and other expenses can be overwhelming, especially when I am focused on covering stories that do not generate widespread public attention. That's why I am reaching out to you for help.

Your support can make a huge difference in my ability to continue my work. By supporting me, you are not just helping me pursue my passion - you are also helping to amplify the voices of the communities that I document.

I am deeply grateful for your support , whether it is a one-time donation or a recurring contribution. Together, we can create powerful images and tell the stories that need to be told. Thank you for considering supporting my work as a social documentary photojournalist and photographer for social justice..

With boundless love & gratitude,

Lita Kelley

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